How Much Does a 200 Watt Solar Panel Cost?

Table of Contents
Short on Time? Here’s The Article Summary
The article discusses the costs and considerations involved in creating a solar panel array using 200-watt solar panels and kits. It emphasizes the importance of budgeting and planning due to the expenses involved. The article provides examples of different 200-watt solar panels and kits, highlighting their prices and features.
It also discusses factors like shading, panel efficiency, and orientation that can affect the efficiency of a solar system. Additionally, the article briefly mentions the costs of installing a 200-watt solar array, stating that labor costs typically amount to around $0.59 per watt. It concludes by noting that while the initial costs of solar panels can be high, they can lead to significant savings in the long run.
Creating a solar panel array can be expensive, and there is a lot of budgeting and planning that needs to be involved.
The choices of solar panels can also be overwhelming. That is why we are discussing how much good quality 200 watt solar panels and 200-watt solar panel kits usually cost.
Hopefully, it will help with your budgeting and make the choice a little less overwhelming for you.
The Costs of Different 200 Watt Solar Panels
We have rounded up some of the best 200-watt solar panels from ShopSolarKits, and will briefly be discussing them, as well as how much they cost.
It is also important to remember that when comparing 100 vs 200-watt solar panels, the 100-watt panels will likely be cheaper. But, cheaper isn’t always better, and the 200-watt panels will likely provide you with a lot more energy.
200 Watt Solar Panel: High-Efficiency 12V Monocrystalline
The price of this solar panel comes in at $259. This new design of this solar panel makes it highly efficient as it is constructed with cells that have higher efficiency and allows for a better light conversion rate.
This 200-watt solar panel is perfect to use for an RV when you are trying to stay off-grid.
200 Watt Folding Solar Panel Suitcase: MC4 Connectors
This folding suitcase solar panel comes in at quite a bit more expensive than the previous one. It generally costs $549.
200 Watt Eclipse Solar Panel Suitcase: 12V Monocrystalline
This 200-watt solar panel suitcase is made up of two 100 watt solar panels connected in parallel. It is extremely efficient and offers more power when charging your appliances.
This solar panel is reliable, durable, and made for longevity. For this solar panel alone, you are looking to pay about $599.
The Costs of Different 200 Watt Solar Panel Kits
Although it’s great to make the first step of buying a solar panel, there is quite a lot of other equipment that is needed to make the solar panel function.
To give you an idea of what the overall cost of creating a 200-watt solar panel array will be, we will discuss the pricing of some of ShopSolarKit’s 200-watt solar panel kits that contain some or all of the additional equipment you will need.
Most of the kits also come with a 200-watt solar panel wiring diagram, which will make the process of installing your solar array much easier, and probably a bit cheaper since it could help you save on installation costs.
Complete Off-Grid Solar System [AGM Kit]
This 200-watt solar panel kit contains everything you need to start your solar panel array.
It comes with six 200 watt solar panels, charge controllers, inverters, batteries, different wires (that are all the correct gauge wire) and extensions, jumper cables, brackets, and so much more.
Although this kit is quite pricey, usually costing around $7 999.00, it will make your life so much easier. With this kit you don't have to worry about things like “How many batteries will I need for a 200-watt solar panel” or what size batteries you need, which charge controller to get, or what 200-watt solar panel wire size will make your system more efficient.
All of that is already there and is definitely worth the price you have to pay.
Bluetti EB240 Solar Generator [Nomad Kit]
This solar panel kit is slightly more cost-effective but doesn’t have as much as the previous kit does.
This 200-watt solar panel kit comes with two 200 watt solar panels, a solar generator, the necessary cables, and bracket mounts.
This kit costs approximately $2 799 but is still lacking some of the equipment that you will need to set up your solar array.
200 Watt Portable Solar Panel Briefcase with Charge Controller
This 200-watt portable monocrystalline solar panel kit is a very simple one. It comes with a waterproof solar charge controller.
This is a decent-sized solar panel, it weighs 36.8 lbs, and has dimensions of 55.7 x 36.6 x 1.4 inches when unfolded.
The cost of this solar panel and charge controller combo is $599.
200 Watt Solar Panel Kit w/ 20A PWM Charge Controller
This 200-watt solar panel with a charge controller kit is slightly cheaper than the previous one, costing $299.
This kit comes with two 100 watt mono solar panels and a PWM charge controller that has an LCD. It also contains the necessary cables and connectors that will be needed to connect the two.
Further, you will still have to purchase the inverters, batteries, etc.
Complete DIY Solar Panel Kit 200 Watts Solar [DIY-6]
This solar panel kit comes with everything you need to set up a 200-watt solar panel array. It is also classified as a do-it-yourself kit, which means that there is enough equipment and instructions to set it up yourself.
This kit has all that you will need. It comes with one 200-watt solar panel, batteries, inverters, an inverter remote, an MPPT solar charge controller, correctly sized gauge wires, battery connector cables, brackets, fuse holders, and a wiring diagram.
The best part is that it costs a very affordable $2 499, especially if you consider that you won't have to buy any other additional gadgets to get it running, and you might also be able to save on installation costs since it is simple enough to install yourself.
Costs of Installing a 200-Watt Solar Panel
Although it is helpful to know how much 200-watt solar panels and/or 200-watt solar panel kits cost, it is also helpful to know how much it will cost to install your 200-watt solar array so that you can budget correctly.
Acquiring the help of a professional to install your solar panels can often save you a lot of time, frustration, and money.
There is of course the option of doing it yourself, but if you are not familiar with installing solar panels, it may not be worth all the trouble.
If you have already bought all the elements that you require for your solar array, you will just be left with the labor costs of the installation.
Generally, the labor cost is $0.59 per watt. So, if you are looking to install 5kW of solar energy, the labor cost will come to about $ 3 000. This is usually 10% of your total solar system cost.
Labor costs can vary based on what the conditions are, what country you are in, and what the output of the solar array is.
To conclude, although the initial costs might be quite a lot, solar panels can end up saving you thousands of dollars per year.
It is also important to remember that when your budget to start your solar array, there are a lot of elements that you need to get with it, the 200-watt solar panel alone won’t be enough to generate and store electricity to power your appliances.
How Much Does a 200-Watt Solar Panel Cost (FAQ)
Are There Financing Options Available if You Can’t Afford a 200-Watt Solar Array?
In most cases, yes. There is the option of getting a loan to help you pay for your solar panels and all the additional equipment you require.
Solar panel loans are available from most commercial banks, and some companies specialize in giving out solar array loans.
Alternatively, you can also look at renting a 200-watt solar panel, instead of buying one, if the costs are too expensive for you.
Will Maintenance Costs Drastically Increase How Much I Spend on my 200-Watt Solar Array?
There may be some maintenance costs involved with the equipment used for the solar array. Most 200-watt solar panels have approximately a 20 - 25 year warranty, so they won’t need to be replaced often.
So while there are maintenance costs involved, most of them will only occur every 5 to 10 years, so it won’t add too many extra expenses.
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