Convert Watts to Kilowatts
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When working with solar panels, it helps to have some basic electrical know-how. Do you know how to convert watts to kilowatts, and vice versa? If not, don’t worry, we explain it all in the short guide below.
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Watts vs Kilowatts?

A watt is a basic unit of power that is used to measure power. This power can be electric, mechanical, or thermal. It is usually used to describe the amount of power that an appliance needs to work.
A kilowatt is most often used to measure power in homes and the workplace. The prefix, kilo-, means 1,000. A kilowatt is an expression of 1,000 watts.
So, to recap, the basic unit of power is the watt. 1,000 watts are equal to one kilowatt.
Convert Watts to Kilowatts
One kilowatt is equal to 1,000 watts: 1kW = 1000W. Therefore, the power in kilowatts P (kW) is equal to the power in watts P (W) divided by 1,000.
This is the basic formula for converting watts to kilowatts:
P (W) / 1000 = P (kW)
Divide the watts by 1,000 to get the kilowatts.
Here is an example: 1,400 watts divided by 1,000 amounts to 1.4 kilowatts. (1,500 W/1,000= 1.5 kW)
Convert Kilowatts to Watts
To convert watts into kilowatts, you reverse the process. In other words, you multiply the kilowatts by 1,000 to get the watts.
Here is an example of converting kilowatts into watts: 1.2 kilowatts multiplied by 1,000 = 1,200 watts
(1.2 kW x 1000 = 1200 W)
Why Is All This Important?
Kilowatts And Kilowatt Hours
When installing your solar panel kits, you’ll come across terminology that seems confusing. For example, the kilowatt hour. A kilowatt is a measurement of power, whereas a kilowatt hour is a measurement of energy.
The rate at which something uses power over a certain period is the energy that it uses. A kilowatt hour describes the time (or energy) it takes to use one kilowatt of power.
Here’s a simple version of the watt-to-kilowatt-hour calculator:
The energy used by a 1,000-watt appliance over one hour is equal to a kilowatt hour. But an appliance that uses 100 watts of power would take ten hours of use to reach one kilowatt-hour (KWh). Using this formula, you can easily convert watts to kilowatt-hours.
The lower the watts, the more kilowatt-hours. Conversely, the higher the watts, the fewer kilowatt hours.
Using Amps to Calculate Watts
If you are unsure of the watts of your appliance but know the amps, simply calculate the amps by 120. Here is a simple watt calculator for calculating watts when you know the amps are:
Wattage = Amps x 120. Reverse this calculation to convert watts to amps.
When you need a wattage calculator for solar panels, the formula remains the same. However, the conversion is influenced by the voltage. At 120 volts an amp amounts to 120 watts. But 240 volts an amp would be 240 watts.
Kilowatt Peak
You will also come across the term kilowatt peak (kWp). Kilowatt peak is influenced by the conditions under which your solar panels are operating, such as the number of hours of bright sunshine.
Kilowatt peak measures the rate at which your solar system will generate solar energy when it is operating at maximum capacity.
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